Does breast sucking lower your risk of getting breast cancer? Myth or fact?

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Both breastfeeding and breast sucking have varied effects on the health of the breasts and the risk of developing breast cancer.

Does breast sucking lower your risk of getting breast cancer? Myth or fact?
Does breast sucking lower your risk of getting breast cancer? Myth or fact?

The misconception that adult breast sucking significantly lowers the risk of breast cancer has been disproven by oncologists, despite the fact that breastfeeding has been linked to a lower risk of the disease.

Both mothers and infants benefit from breastfeeding, which is a natural habit.

Breastfeeding can indeed lower the chance of developing breast cancer, according to a number of studies, including one carried out by Cancer Research in the UK.

The hormonal changes that take place during nursing are assumed to be the mechanism underlying this decrease in risk.

Breastfeeding in particular has the potential to postpone menstruation, which lowers a woman’s lifetime exposure to estrogen, a hormone that has been shown to stimulate the growth of some breast cancer cells.

It is crucial to stress that while breastfeeding can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer, it does not completely remove it.

A person’s risk of developing breast cancer is influenced by a variety of variables, such as genetics, family history, and lifestyle choices.

Since there are several risk factors for breast cancer, no single measure, such as breastfeeding, can provide 100 percent protection.

On the other hand, there is no data to back up the claim that adult breast sucking greatly lowers the risk of breast cancer.

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Breast sucking is fundamentally different from breastfeeding in terms of the hormonal and physiological processes involved, whether it is done for sexual pleasure or any other purpose.

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